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Running Time:
- http://www.modernmeetingstandard.com
- Twitter – #meetdomino
- Let’s make meetings a sacred tool again.
- Meetings are powerful things.
- Meetings should be rare.
- The cover is awesome
- Al had to write three books to get this book
- Seth Godin really pushed Al to find his voice
- Jerry McGuire’s mission statement written by Cameron Crowe was an inspiration – http://www.thisisawar.com/PurposeJerry.htm
- “Meetings, like war, should be a last resort.”
- War is expensive and so are meetings
- “No more will we allow our time to be consistently wasted thirty minutes at a time. Our time is too precious, too fleeting.” – Page 45
- Small businesses could
- “No one has built a building inside of a meeting.”
- No one has ever sold a one million dollar consulting package inside a meeting.
- The stuff that leads and creates forward momentum does not happen in meetings.
- Meetings should be pit stops; quick, efficient and enable forward motion
- Organizations have a decision problem, not a meeting problem.
- Meetings create shared responsibility and that’s NOT good sometimes.
- Do not call a meeting to make a decision.
- Resolving a decision is why you call a meeting – THRASH
- Making decisions in meetings – HASH
- Conflict is great in modern meetings because it revolves around making the decision better, but decisions are being made!
- Defend – Someone has to be willing to defend an idea
- http://www.bringtim.com/ – Time is money clock
- Meetings should exist to thrash not hash
- Brainstorms are not meetings – they are polar opposites
- The latin meaning of decide is to kill – We are killing the other options.
- Brainstorming is essential because we need collective creativity
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